Casa Mar
50 waterfront residences
Marbella, Spain
Mano Arquitectura
Housing development
Gross Area
32.346 m²
Casa Mar

We believe the identity of a place is strengthened by its traditions: architectural elements that endure, evolve, and are passed down through generations. Casa Mar embraces the roots of Mediterranean architecture: covered and semi-covered spaces, terraces oriented towards vistas, rooms overlooking the courtyard, and the textures and colors of different materials.

We believe inhabiting takes on different forms as it responds to the individuals who make the place their own. In this project, we envision people who are drawn to the sea, the sun, the shade and the trees. Thus, we aim to revive the values and atmospheres of traditional Mediterranean architecture by creating a cluster of volumes that evoke the feeling of living in a coastal village. The sea attracts and captivates us. The privilege of this plot is being in front of it. Our challenge was to maximize its potential.

Arquitectura mediterránea

We designed a complex of 50 residences where nature serves as the organizer of spaces: on one hand, views of the sea dictate the varied positioning of the houses, while on the other hand, courtyards allow for the breaking of volumes to accommodate existing trees.

On the waterfront, we created homes integrated into nature with green flat roofs, aiming to blur the visual and natural barrier between the front and back of the plot.

La casa que quiero
de Joan Salvat-Papasseit

La casa que quiero que la mar la vea, y árboles con fruto me la festejen.
Que se llegue por un camino brillante de rocío, no muy lejos de los pinos que la lluvia amainan.
Por si necesito descanso que venga la luna;
y cuando el sol salga que me dé los buenos días.
Que cuando sea verano comparezca la golondrina en el blanco de cal del porche con abejas.
Oyendo la canción del labrador que cava; con la salobridad del viento del mar.
El algarrobo, Jávea (1899)
Joaquín Sorolla

We conceived two new house typologies facing the sea, elevating the living, dining, and kitchen areas while placing the bedrooms on lower floors. Thus, all homes face the sea, transforming the second line into the first. Finally, we densified the rear of the plot with three-level apartments to optimize views and sunlight orientation.

On the whitewashed porch with bees.
Listening to the song of the ploughman who digs; with the brackish wind of the sea.
The Fiesta de los Patios de Córdoba at the beginning of the 20th century.
Photo from the ABC archive
Andalúz házak.
Photo by Lucien Hervé

“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.” Always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.”

— Jim Jarmush

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